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I know I am not alone when it comes to daydreaming about where I would love to go when this quarantine is over.  Travel may be different on the other side of this but, the world is still out there. This list includes childhood dreams, mixed with images and weird obsessions that have stuck with me throughout the years. I will update this list when I discover new adventures or remember old one’s that I may have forgotten about.

My list includes:

All 50 of the United States.

I currently have visited 17 out of the 50 states. I think it would be fun to see what each state has to offer. Near the top of my  list is to experience summer in Maine, visit Alaska with my mother, and dip my toes in one of the swimming holes in Arizona.

Visit all 7 continents.

To say I’ve stepped on all seven continents would be an accomplishment. I’ve only visited 2 out of the 7. I will give myself leeway on visiting Antarctica. It is not a must, more like the cherry on top. I would be satisfied with just visiting 6 continents. 

Lake Como, Italy.

I remember watching Gwen Stefani’s music video for her song, Cool, and being so stunned by the beauty of the landscape. I was used to seeing images of Rome and Venice, that I never imagined that Italy could have such a picturesque countryside.  The images from the video have been ingrained in my brain ever since and I can’t wait to see it in real life one day.  After researching the details for the music video was able to find the exact place where the music video was filmed. Who knows, I may be able to find someone to drive me around Villa Erba, in the town of Cernobbio, on the back of their Vespa!  Click here to watch the music video.  

Lefkada, Greece and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

This one is a little confusing but hear me out! Another music video that inspired my travel list is a song written by Marina called, Orange Trees. The song is about the island that she grew up on in Greece called, Lefkada, and how it makes her feel when she returns to visit. You can hear how happy she is to be singing about the island and all of its beauty that it made me want to see it firsthand. Lefkada is one of the less popular Greek islands, but it still has beautiful views and beaches.

The accompanying music video caught my eye with its panoramic shots of the horizon from the coastline. However, upon researching the filming location it turns out the music video was shot in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!  It wasn’t on my list but now that I know that how beautiful it is, I would love to visit and see for myself. Puerto Vallarta is a resort town, but for good reason. Maybe I can plan a girl’s trip, stay in the same villa, and dance on the beach.  Click here to watch the music video. 

Capri and Amalfi Coast, Italy.

Another location that is tied to music. Specifically, Enrique Iglesias’ song Rhythm Divine where he sings “From the coast of Ipanema, to the island of Capri, all the way to Kuala Lumpur, I will follow you wherever you may be.” I don’t know why that lyric resonated and then stuck in my developing brain, but I knew that somehow I eventually needed to end up on the island of Capri even though I had no idea where it was or why I should even go there. I’m not even sure why Ipanema or Kuala Lumpur didn’t peak my interest, only Capri. I am glad the idea of Capri stuck with me throughout the years because it turns out to be a beautiful island with a very famous cave known as the Blue Grotto. Apparently the way the sun reflects onto the water in this cave makes the water the bluest of blues. Click here to listen to the song.

The island of Capri is also a boat ride from the stunning Amalfi Coast. I’ve seen photos of this coastline many times focusing on the colorful buildings built into the cliffs surrounded by blue waters. Those photos helped me to discover another picturesque area of Italy. It also looks like it would be a fun city to explore as there would be something interesting or beautiful around every turn or alley.

Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada.

I’ve seen photos of this park so many times over the years. And each time I see a photo I just can’t help but stare at how beautiful it is! Doesn’t matter what season, it is simply stunning. Within the park is Moraine lake and it is nestled in between the mountains. I just want to stand on the rocky shoreline and gaze in its wonder and to soak it all in. I am not too big on outdoor sports, but just looking at photos of this park makes me want to go hiking and kayaking. I would probably enjoy the activities when I have something so beautiful to look at each step of the way.

Trolltunga in Hordaland, Norway.

I do not recall where I first saw a photo of this place. Instagram or Pinterest? I just know that when I saw it, I was like I want to see it in real life. The outward facing rock is called Trolltunga, which translates to troll’s tongue. It looks like someone is sticking their tongue out of the mountain. It looks like a fun and beautiful vantage point to gaze out upon the mountains and the lake below. However, it is not an easy hike to get to reach Trolltunga. Maybe I’ll just go on the lake and look up at it instead. 

ZORB’s in New Zealand

Many years ago, I saw a video of people in these huge inflatable bubbles rolling down a hill.  These large inflatable bubbles are called ZORB’s and were invented in New Zealand. They allow the person inside to roll and bounce around without getting hurt. They even float on water! They can also be filled with water so you can get splashed as you roll around if you wanted to. The video that I watched showed these guys running in ZORB’s down a hill and it looked like so much fun. I found the company in New Zealand that makes the ZORB’s and has the tracks to roll them down on! A nice bonus is this location is close to where they filmed the Lord of the Rings movies. I could possibly ride a ZORB down a hill and visit the Shire in the same day! Click here for all the info on ZORB’s.