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I have met people who have visited Lisbon, Portugal, who planned to visit, and who were planning to move. Each time I spoke to them I wondered what is so great about Lisbon? Lisbon, Portugal is a short flight from Barcelona, Spain so I decided to go see for myself while I had the opportunity.

When I stepped off the plane in Lisbon, I had no expectations, no plans, and no itinerary. I was there to truly explore the city. I took the metro to my Airbnb with every intention of taking a nap once I arrived. However, as the metro tracks went from underground to above ground and I saw my first glimpse of the city, my nap was cancelled. It was a beautiful sunny day and the pastel colors of the city against the view of the ocean over the horizon, it was like the city was beckoning to be explored.

I quickly learned that Lisbon is a very hilly city and if you do not know your way around it is probably best to use public transportation. Initially I used Google maps for my walking directions and it did not always mark if the recommended way were steps, how steep they were, or if the steps went up or down hill. There were a couple of times I found myself facing the steepest set of stairs heading up a hill and contemplating taking a less direct route, but not knowing if the alternate route would be any easier.

I ended up booking a walking tour for my first day and it was a lovely introduction to the city. We walked though different neighborhoods while getting a brief history lesson of the city. Along the way she recommended different places to eat, drink, shop, sightsee, and experience on our own after the tour. I used her recommendations for the rest of my stay, and they were all wonderful.

Following my tour guide’s recommendation, I ate at a tiny restaurant and ordered one of her suggestions. It was the steak and fries with a small pitcher of red wine. The steak came raw but with an extremely hot block of stone that you used to cook the meat the way that you desired. It also came with dipping sauces. For me, it was a tasty, unique and fun experience. I enjoyed the sizzling sound of each piece of meat that I cooked myself! The older couple who sat next to me ordered the same thing and they enjoyed their meal just as much as I did. They were so kind and helpful. We did not speak the same language, but they were still eager to speak to me and help me when I asked for directions back to my Airbnb.

I ate such a variety of food in Lisbon. I ate fresh caught fish at a small local restaurant that came with some of the best potatoes that I have ever eaten. I found a cute breakfast spot near my Airbnb and a local bakery. The bakery was filled with pastries that I had never previously seen. I just pointed at what I wanted to try, and the baker had no problem fulfilling my wishes. The most famous pastry from Portugal is the pastel de nata, a pastry filled egg custard, that was divine.  I enjoyed at least 2 tarts everyday with breakfast and as a snack between meals.

One thing that I really enjoyed about Lisbon were the people. Everyone was friendly, helpful, and welcoming no matter what neighborhood or landmark that I visited. The couple that I met my first night at dinner recognized me on a bus and went out of their way to greet me. My walking tour guide had no issue responding to my texts asking for recommendations of things to do and see days after my tour ended. I never felt like I stood out from the crowd or that people were treating me like I was a tourist. It might have helped that I visited in the off season and there were not many tourists, but I feel like the people of Lisbon are just welcoming.

I came to Lisbon with no idea what to expect, and I left already planning my return.