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My plans for Rhode Island were to stop at the Cliff Walk in Newport and taste the well-known frozen lemonade from Del’s Lemonade. It would be a short day trip before we continued to our next destination – an easy, quick, and tasty way to visit my 22nd state.

The Cliff Walk was located next to Easton’s Beach and was self-explanatory. What made it unique was that one side had beautiful ocean views, and the other side had gilded mansions. The walk itself is open to the public but is right next to the property line of some of the most stunning buildings that are not open to the public.

We only completed half of the 3.5-mile walk due to time constraints. But it was such a beautiful day, and the frozen lemonade just made it better. Some people climbed off the path to sun themselves on the rocks, and others jumped into the ocean.

The last thing that I expected in Newport, Rhode Island, was to feel like I was somewhere tropical. The water was super blue, and the whole area was beautiful. I wished I had packed a bathing suit because all I wanted to do was jump into the water for a refreshing swim. Who knew Rhode Island had appealing beaches?